:: INDEX :: - About - Features - Requirements - Files Description - Installation & Usage .: about: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create and manage your own poll is REALLY easy with AJPoll. This free php script lets you create, edit and test your poll (up to 7 answers) through an easy to use web interface. You may insert your poll into any page you want simply including one php file. AJPoll show results as colored graphical bars plus votes number and percentage. It prevent multiple votes using cookies and store all information in a text file so you don't need any database. AJPoll is valid XHTML 1.0 code and is viewable with any browser, fully customizable style. Note: You can manage and run just one poll, every new poll will replace the older one. .: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Display your poll is very simple, just include one php file into your webpage and your news will be published automatically. - No database needed - Fully customizable look to fit well into any page. - Up to 7 answers - Colored graphical bar (random (different) color function) - Viewable with any browser (tested on Mozilla/Firefox, Ie, Opera). - Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Code! .: Requirements: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web server with PHP (this tool is tested with PHP 5, but should work with earlier and previous versions). .: Files Description: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - config.php : settings for AJPoll - setup.php : the main script, it manage database-file and allow you to create and edit your poll - poll.php : the file to include in your web page to show created poll - txt/txtdb.ini.php : database-file used to store information about poll, don't edit manually! - includes/configmagik.php : a file reader/writer class by Benny Zaminga - includes/functions : some useful functions... .: Installation & Usage: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download AJPOll and edit the config.php file to suite your needs. 2. Place the files anywhere in your web directory: All files must be placed in the same directory observing directory structure. Set the attributes of the file "txtdb.ini.php" to 666 (meaning read and write access for all parties). 3. Open up your webbrowser to: http://www.yourserver.com/poll/setup.php Default user id & password are: admin, admin. You can change default values in the "config.php" file. The script will check database-file (and if is writable) then will show the admin panel to create and edit your poll. 4. In the page you want the poll displayed use this code (must be php file):